Labels:boat | book | car | desk | lamp | person | railing | sky | typesetting machine OCR: Park Univac' at General Flectric Appliance Park) Offering the unique advantage of electronio speed Leadin comfande theinghent cento Hare coupled with unrivalled accuracy it's no wonder that that U'ninac har beeme gnermeu with nlightreel the General Eleetric Company installed the Reming. muntcement surogi moe than justifs its ton Rand Unis the at their modern Appliance Park for eectroni ef monagement penblems Find in Louinille Kentucky eut hecr bteal TT bare tar Unsrac teeek rittually Univac mates possible new insight into all phasc of all tpes conmercioldata-prscemng wel hatpy G-E's major appliaoce operations Management de- vend FLI3S onformetiev, 24.pagt f-cole citions can be made with degree of precision never Unira Syitem twuneu rostird before obtainable. And G.E also uses Univac to reg ...